Katiri jeri min hina nasi mutu mama africa "Many have fled away from here; people have died Mother Africa"
Koree koree mafi raha nasi tabani "Mourns and mourns, no rest, people are tired"
Iyal kore taneen mutu, fi Malakal laghadi fi Juba "Children have mourned others are have died in Malakal all the way to Juba"
Iyal kore taneen mutu, oh saadu ana. Koree koree mafi raha nasi tabani, wedi raha nasi tabani. "Children have mourned others have died, oh help me. Mourns and mourns, no rest, people are tired! Give us rest, we are tired"
Yumes jere yaba mutu, oh saadu ana "Mother has fled, father was killed oh help me!"
Koree koree, mafi raha Mama Africa. koree koree, mafi raha nasi tabani "Mourns and mourns, there is no rest Mother Africa. Mourns and mourns, there is no rest, people are tired."
Katulu de sai bi kalasu? Jerima de wuduru nasi. Oh dusman de sai bi kalasu jerima de wuduru nasi. "Will this killings ever stop? This crime made many people to disappear. Will this fighting ever stop? This crime has many people disappear.
Jere jere fi Jongleh, Nasi rija fi gaba, kore kore fir bor, nasi rija fi gaba "Running runnings in Jonglei, people have returned to the bush. Mourns mourns in Bor, people have returned to the Bush"
Koree koree fi Bentiu, Nasi rija fi gaba. Jere jere fi Rumbek nasi rija fi gaba "Mourn and mourn in Bentiu, people have returned to the bush. Running running in Rumbek, people have returned to the bush"
Koree koree, wedi raha Mama Africa. Koree koree, mafi raha nasi tabani "Mourn mourn, give rest to Mother Africa. Mourns and mourns, there is no rest, people are tired."
Koree koree ta nina de, nasi rija fi gaba. Koree koree "This mourns and mourns of ours, people have returned to the bush. Mourns and mourns!"
Thus he leapt
Dust his carriage,
Pain his ammunition,
Revenge his motivation,
Death his ambition –
Leaping into obscurity.
Thirsting, starving, damned –
Quenched when innocence bleed
Sated when carnage overfeed
Lauded when wickedness breed –
Leaping into history.
In the Belly of River Nile.In the memory of the more than 200 civilians who lost their lives in the River Nile fleeing Malakal on January 13, 2014.
Away from the blazing fires of hate,
For what else motivates the killing
Of the most vulnerable of us?
Away from the flying bullets of greed,
For what else inspires the murder
Of the most productive of us?
And those carrying the yet unborn.
We ran until we can run no more.
We ran up to the riverbanks.
"Oh sweet River Nile
Won’t you carry us to safety?
Oh sweet River Nile
Won’t be our refuge in fear?"
...And the river offered us a boat.
Fear of a death fast approaching,
We jumped, swam and
Cramped into the boat.
We didn't mind, we were finally
On the way to safety
On the other shore.
And sighed heavier.
We even mourned the loss
Of loved ones senselessly killed.
For a moment,
Only, for but a moment.
Then, we were too many.
Who entrusted our safety
To a feeble boat.
Who ran no more.
Too heavy to reach the shore.
So we found our safety
In the belly of River Nile.
No More Betrayals
Our remembrances of timeless sweetness
Are now lined with our commingled corpses.
Etches of timeless commitments
Are now no more than ash.
Budding buddies of lifetimes past and present,
Now muted/ forever/ by the drums of war.
Nurtured in shared water points and pasture lands,
Now torn asunder by the supremacy of creed (greed).
Cemented through precious gifts of daughters,
Seeding nations united by blood
Once inspired in innocence
Now spoiled by greed.
Once etched in hearts
Now blinded by hate.
Once perpetuated in blood
Now shed by revenge.
No More Betrayals
No More Betrayals.
Marked Brother
I am told you are no more.
But only yesterday you were with me,
Caring for my every need.
I am told you are now a traitor.
It can't be, for no eagle can soar
Beyond the heights of your patriotism.
I am told your marks testify of treason
To country and creed.
Is there not a mirage clouding their eyes?
Marks of manhood and courage,
Marks of beauty and regality,
Marks of strength and integrity.
Your marks somehow overshadowed
Your countless sacrifices for our nation, and
Valiant contributions for our people.
I am told you are no more.
Is it true you are really gone?
Now who would care for my every need?
I am told you are now a traitor.
Who would be both armor and shield
For our beloved nation?
But how ‘bout them night visitors?
Whose voice is dripping torment,
Whose eyes are exploding pipelines
Of life clinging fury, and
Death hunting calm.
Whose hands are bleeding bullets,
Whose soul is projecting thunders
Of piety destroying ferocity, and
Pain absolving sacrilege.
But how ‘bout them night visitors?
For nightmares enliven the undead